The Tactical Hemorrhage Control Manikin is a full-sized, remotely-activated simulator designed for point-of-injury, tactical medicine training for law enforcement and first responders. Ultra-realistic and fully mobile, it is ideally suited for training rapid assessment and treatment of trauma injuries in disaster drill and active shooter simulation scenarios..
Full-body Manikin for TCCC and TECC Training .
Anatomically-accurate soft tissue .
Ruggedized and water-resistant.
Remotely-activated pulsatile bleeding .
Multiple injuries involving gunshot wounds, stab wounds and crushing injuries .
Amputation on left leg above knee for tourniquet application .
Rapid Assessment for Tactical Casualty Care .
Airway .
Oral and nasal .
Pulses .
Bleeding .
Airway Management Tranining .
Oropharyngeal and Nasopharyngeal airway .
Chest Seal application .
Practice the identification of the proper landmarks for needle decompression (mid-clavicular line / mid-axillary line) .
Hemorrhage Control and Tourniquet Application Training.
Gunshot wound to face with exit wound.
Gunshot wound to upper left arm with exit wound for wound packing and tourniquet application .
Superficial gunshot wounds to the chest and stomach .
Junctional and standard tourniquet application .
Practice wound packing and bandaging technic.